
Pages available to visit:
Home - You are currently here, a page with links and a little about me.
Projects - A page about almost all of the programming projects i've worked on.
Games - A page with games if you find yourself bored.
Thanks thats it!

About Me

Hey there! I'm Patrick, I love to shoot hoops, explore philosophy, nature, and car culture. I also enjoy solving problems, and building stuff.
When I was a kid (early 2000's), I enjoyed math more than other subjects. Also, this was the time schools started to introduce computers to students, and homes with personal computers were gradually increasing. I got excited every time I got the chance to use a computer because I realized you can do so many things with them, and eventually started touch typing which was relatively rare amongst my generation at the time. When I got my first laptop, I often played a PC game called Warcraft III, and created my own custom games using its game engine and found it more fun than playing the actual game. Then was lucky to have had a computer elective in middle school, where we learned how to code using scratch. Then I got lucky again, when in my high school they offered a computer programming and game development elective where I made custom games in Unreal Engine 4. By this point, I was still confused on what to do in terms of career. Because I still had a great interest in cars and nature, I debated mech engineering and bio engineering. But figured my talent and passion in computing would be more fufilling to me. So I studied computer science in college to become a software developer while working part-time jobs throughout the process. And did not regret it.

TLDR: I liked math, I typed fast, and enjoyed creating. I went to college to study computer science, so I can build software for a living.
